1. FAQs
  2. Online CPD courses
  3. Internships about online CPD courses

What facilities are available for clinical internships on online CPD programmes?

Institutions where internships can be undertaken are of two different kinds: 1) institutions already affiliated with UniCamillus and 2) institutions not affiliated with UniCamillus but which may be in the future.

Institutions where internships can be undertaken are of two different kinds:

1) institutions already affiliated with UniCamillus and

2) institutions not affiliated with UniCamillus but which may be in the future. (In the case of some programmes, institutions must be accredited with the National Health Service).

The student must inform UniCamillus of the name and email address of the contact person at the chosen institution as soon as possible (even before the start of the programme) in order to proceed with the affiliation agreement.

Please note that when choosing an affiliated/unaffiliated institution, and after the final exam, students must send the following documents to helpmaster@unicamillus.org:

- Project: to be filled in and signed by the internship supervisor designated by the chosen institution. This will be sent to the student by helpmaster@unicamillus.org after the affiliation agreement is signed.

- Attendance booklet: to be requested before the start of the internship from helpmaster@unicamillus.org and to be filled in and signed by the internship supervisor designated by the chosen institution.

- Certificate of completion of the Workplace Safety Course (available on the platform).

Note: When a student has an employment relationship with a company – in the case of some programmes, their company must be accredited with the National Health Service – or is self-employed and his/her work activity is in line with the objectives of the programme, they can request a self-certification form from helpmaster@unicamillus.org to validate their work activity as an internship.