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MSc and BSc programmes
General questions
General info about UniCamillus and Degree Programmes
MSc and BSc programmes
Important dates
Places available
Application process
Admission test topics
Taking the admission test
Admission test preparation course
Ranking list and enrolment
Tuition fees and funding
EU and NON-EU Candidates
MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
General questions about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Access requirements about the MSc in Human Nutrition
Exams about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
ECTS credit recognition about the MSc in Human Nutrition
Transfers about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Fees about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Online CPD courses
General questions about online CPD courses
Enrollment in the online CPD course
Internships about online CPD courses
Exams and theses of online CPD courses
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA)
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA) entry and classes
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA) internship
Mnemosine CPD programmes and courses
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MSc and BSc programmes
General questions
General info about UniCamillus and Degree Programmes
MSc and BSc programmes
Important dates
Places available
Application process
Admission test topics
Taking the admission test
Admission test preparation course
Ranking list and enrolment
Tuition fees and funding
EU and NON-EU Candidates
MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
General questions about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Access requirements about the MSc in Human Nutrition
Exams about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
ECTS credit recognition about the MSc in Human Nutrition
Transfers about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Fees about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Online CPD courses
General questions about online CPD courses
Enrollment in the online CPD course
Internships about online CPD courses
Exams and theses of online CPD courses
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA)
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA) entry and classes
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA) internship
Mnemosine CPD programmes and courses
MSc and BSc programmes
Important dates
When will applications for the BSc and MSc programmes for the academic year 2025/2026 open?
When will applications for all degree programmes open?
When is the application deadline for all degree programmes?
When is the admission test held?
When are the rankings for each degree programme released?
What is the deadline for enrolling in a degree programme?
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Places available
How many places are available for MSc Dentistry in the academic year 2025/2026?
How many places are available for MSc Medicine in the academic year 2025/2026?
How many places are available this year for the other degree programmes?
Who decides how many places are available for the undergraduate degree programmes?
Is the number of places included in the admission call for undergraduate degree programmes final?
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Application process
Do UniCamillus degree programmes have a limited number of places?
How can I enrol on a degree programme?
How much does it cost to register for the admission test?
How can I register for the admission test?
Can I register for more than one admission test?
When I register for the Healthcare degrees admission test, can I select one or more degree programmes related to the same application call?
If I am unable to take the admission test, will I be refunded the registration fee?
Is a language certificate or a specific level of English language proficiency required to enrol on a degree programme at UniCamillus?
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Admission test topics
How is the admission test structured?
What topics does the admission test cover?
What more can you tell me about the questions in the admission test?
What do the questions concerning UniCamillus' humanitarian mission focus on?
Taking the admission test
I have applied for the admissions test: what do I need to take the online test?
How are technical requirements verified before the start of the test?
How will the admissions test be conducted?
I have registered for the admissions test: will I receive a convocation email?
What do I need to bring on the day of the admissions test?
Where does the admissions test take place?
How much time do I have to complete the test?
In what language is the admissions test conducted?
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Admission test preparation course
What topics are covered in the admissions test preparation course for MSc Medicine and Surgery?
Who can take the admissions test preparation course for MSc Medicine and Surgery?
What language is the admissions test preparation course for MSc Medicine and Surgery taught in?
How will the admissions test preparation course for MSc Medicine and Surgery be conducted?
How many places are available on the admissions test preparation course for MSc Medicine and Surgery?
How much does it cost to register for the admissions test preparation course for MSc Medicine and Surgery?
Until when can I register for the admissions test preparation course for MSc Medicine and Surgery?
What time are the lectures of the admissions test preparation course for MSc Medicine and Surgery held?
When is the admissions test preparation course for MSc Medicine and Surgery held?
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Ranking list and enrolment
When are the ranking lists for each degree programme published?
What does OFA mean?
Who needs to complete the OFA (“Additional Learning Requirements”)?
For which subjects are the OFA (“Additional Learning Requirements”) required?
What is the maximum score for evaluation in the admissions test?
What is the score for each answer in the admissions test?
Is there a minimum score to be considered eligible for the admissions test?
Is there anything I can do If I didn't enrol for a degree within the deadline?
My education system comprises 10-11 years of schooling. Can I enrol for a degree?
How many years of schooling are required to enrol for a degree?
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Tuition fees and funding
Can I pay tuition fees in instalments?
How much are the enrolment fees for the academic year 2024-2025?
What services are included in the fees?
When do I have to pay each instalment?
Are the fees based on the ISEE?
What is the “tassa regionale per il diritto allo studio” (regional tax for the right to education)?
Is an amount of money withheld should I request a refund on the fees?
Is any fee refunded if I decide to withdraw after enrolling in a degree?
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Is financial support provided to pay tuition fees?
Are scholarships available for BSc and MSc programmes for the academic year 2023/2024?
Are scholarships available for the academic year 2023/2024?
Which instalment payment am I exempted from if I obtain a scholarship for the academic year 2023/2024?
Are scholarships available for the academic year 2022/2023?
How long does a scholarship last for?
Are scholarships renewable?
As an EU candidate, how can I obtain an honours student loan?
What requirements must I meet to apply for the “Per Merito” student loan?
What requirements must I meet to apply for the “Fondo StudioSì” student loan?
Which instalment payment am I exempted from if I obtain a scholarship for the academic year 2022/2023?
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EU and NON-EU Candidates
Do EU and non-EU candidates take the same admissions test?
I have a long-term residence permit: which quota do I fall under?
I am domiciled in Italy or another EU country: which quota do I fall under?
Which non-EU countries are included in the EU quota?
I have a dual citizenship, one EU and one non-EU: which quota do I fall under?
Do my foreign qualifications count as valid?
See more
Can I transfer to UniCamillus University in the first year?
When is the call for transfer applications to UniCamillus University published?
Can I transfer to a UniCamillus degree programme from another Italian or foreign university? (incoming transfer)
Can I transfer from a degree programme at UniCamillus to another Italian or foreign university? (outgoing transfer)
Where do the internships take place?
What language is the internship conducted in?