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General questions
General info about UniCamillus and Degree Programmes
MSc and BSc programmes
Important dates
Places available
Application process
Admission test topics
Taking the admission test
Admission test preparation course
Ranking list and enrolment
Tuition fees and funding
EU and NON-EU Candidates
MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
General questions about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Access requirements about the MSc in Human Nutrition
Exams about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
ECTS credit recognition about the MSc in Human Nutrition
Transfers about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Fees about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Online CPD courses
General questions about online CPD courses
Enrollment in the online CPD course
Internships about online CPD courses
Exams and theses of online CPD courses
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA)
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA) entry and classes
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA) internship
Mnemosine CPD programmes and courses
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General questions
General questions
General info about UniCamillus and Degree Programmes
MSc and BSc programmes
Important dates
Places available
Application process
Admission test topics
Taking the admission test
Admission test preparation course
Ranking list and enrolment
Tuition fees and funding
EU and NON-EU Candidates
MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
General questions about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Access requirements about the MSc in Human Nutrition
Exams about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
ECTS credit recognition about the MSc in Human Nutrition
Transfers about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Fees about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Online CPD courses
General questions about online CPD courses
Enrollment in the online CPD course
Internships about online CPD courses
Exams and theses of online CPD courses
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA)
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA) entry and classes
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA) internship
Mnemosine CPD programmes and courses
General questions
General info about UniCamillus and Degree Programmes
I have been admitted to UniCamillus: are special training seminars mandatory?
Is UniCamillus a private university?
Is UniCamillus an international university?
What degree programmes are available at UniCamillus?
How long do degree programmes at UniCamillus last?
Is the degree awarded by UniCamillus valid only in Italy?
Is the degree title awarded for a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme equivalent to that awarded by other universities?
Is the UniCamillus MSc in Medicine and Surgery a valid qualification for admission to medical residency programs in the United States?
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