- FAQs
- MSc and BSc programmes
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General questions
MSc and BSc programmes
MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
- General questions about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
- Access requirements about the MSc in Human Nutrition
- Exams about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
- ECTS credit recognition about the MSc in Human Nutrition
- Transfers about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
- Fees about the MSc in Human Nutrition Sciences
Online CPD courses
Teacher Qualification Courses (TFA)
Mnemosine CPD programmes and courses
What is the score for each answer in the admissions test?
MSc Medicine and Surgery and MSc Dentistry: 1.5 points for each correct answer; -0.25 points for each wrong answer; 0 points for an unanswered question.
Healthcare degrees: 1 point for each correct answer; -0.25 points for each wrong answer; 0 points for an unanswered question.